Anusha dandekar beauty and sexy pictures

Anusha Dandekaris a Sudan born Australian-Indian actress and VJ,Anusha Dandekar was born on 9 January 1982 in Sudan. She grew up in Kingsgrove, Sydney, Australia. She made her acting debut in Bollywood with Mumbai Matinee and went on to do Viruddh where she was paired opposite John Abraham, and also acted along with superstar actor Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, and Sharmila Tagore who was her mother-in-law in the movie Viruddh. She is currently a VJ on MTV India, based in Mumbai. She also acted as Rosa, in Anthony Kaun Hai? starring Arshad Warsi and Sanjay Dutt.

Anusha dandekar beauty and sexy picture

Anusha dandekar hot and sexy picture

Anusha dandekar beauty and sexy picture

Anusha dandekar beauty and sexy picture

Anusha dandekar beauty and sexy picture

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