Sonali bendre hot and sexy pictures

Sonali Bendre (Marathi: सोनाली बेन्द्रे, born 1 January 1975) is an Indian actress and model. Sonali bendre has starred in Bollywood films mostly but has acted in a few Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada films. She is also one of the four judges of fourth season of Indian Idol and India's Got Talent.

Sonali Bendre started out as a model before being selected for the "Star Dust Talent Search". She was invited to Bombay and received training from a variety of top actors and performers of the Indian film industry. Her first role was in Aag (1994) opposite Govinda. Though she initially struggled to be a successful actress, Sonali Bendre was eventually given critical acclaim for her performances in films like Bhai (1997), Sarfarosh, Zakhm, Duplicate, Kadhalar Dhinam (Tamil film), Hum Saath-Saath Hain: We Stand United (1999), Tera Mera Saath Rahey and Anaahat (2003) among many others. Sonali Bendre is also known for being one of the few actresses who acted opposite all top four Khans (Aamir, Shahrukh, Saif and Salman). She has also starred opposite some of the other biggest names in bollywood such as Akshay Kumar Suniel Shetty, Ajay Devgan, Sanjay Dutt and Anil Kapoor.

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Sonali Bendre hot and sexy picture

Sonali Bendre hot and sexy photo

Sonali Bendre hot and beauty bollywood actress

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