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Ami Vashi is an Indian beauty queen and model. She won the Miss India World title in 2003. She represented India in the Miss World 2003 competition and was the fourth runner up.
Ami has spent a number of years in the U.S. where she secured her B.Sc in Business Administration & Finance from the University of Southern California, After University she joined an American company as a Financial Analyst but felt unfulfilled and decided to move back to India where she is now working for Pratharn, an N.G.O who focus is to provide education to the underprivileged. Her ambition is to set up programs with self-sustaining NGO�s, which will provide education and awareness to the deprived.
Ami enjoys reading, writing poetry and has an avid interest in investments. Her sporting interests are: Basketball, water sports, contemporary Indian Dance Bharata Natyam and finds that yoga is the one personal mantra which disciplines her mentally and physically and helps her confront any challenge in life. Languages: Hindi, English, & Gujarati

Ami Vashi sexy hot naked pictures wallpapers

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